Element Attributes
This category of attributes is used to identify elements that are present in your "Form Block" element. The attributes below are used to perform the fundamental functions of StudioForm.
Wrapper ( Mandatory Attribute)
An attribute that helps StudioForm identify the "Form Block" element and determine whether a particular form should be converted to a StudioForm form.
It is the only mandatory attribute in the world of StudioForm, all other attributes are for fine tuning purposes only.

"sf": "wrapper"
Conditional Next
This attribute is useful for the conditional logical flow in navigation.

"sf": "next"
Error Attribute
This attribute is normally set to the text element in the error message.

"sf": "error"
Checkbox Group Value
If you give several checkboxes the same name in the same step, they are considered a checkbox group. This attribute is used so that a specific value can be set when the respective checkbox is selected. Please place this on the actual input element!

"sf-value": "Checkbox Value"
Overflow Attribute
By default, StudioForm sets the overflow to hidden for a given element during the transition animation. You can use this attribute to specify which element should receive the temporary overflow hidden effect.

"sf": "overflow"
Window Attribute
By default, if an important element is out of view, StudioForm will try to scroll the entire page (i.e., the window) to bring it into view. This attribute addresses the scenario where scrolling a specific element within a popup is desired.

"sf": "window"
Mask Attribute
An attribute that helps StudioForm identify the 'Form' element.

"sf": "mask"
Divider Attribute
This attribute identifies elements that should be present in your Webflow Designer but are removed from the HTML document on the live page.

"sf": "divider"
Previous Button
This attribute defines a button with which your users can return to their previous step.

"sf": "prev"
Next Button
This attribute helps identify buttons that move the user to the next available step. If no next step is available, a submission is performed.

"sf": "next"
Submit Button
This attribute helps to identify buttons that perform a form submission.

"sf": "submit"
No Button
This attribute helps you to bypass the assumption that StudioForm's native Webflow buttons are next buttons.

"sf": "no-button"
Await Attribute
This attribute can be used for any element within your steps. It instructs the StudioForm script to append the combination class sf-await to the element.

"studio-form": "await"
Form Step Name
This attribute can be used to distinguish your different steps from each other.

"sf-name": "Form Step Name"
Input Validation Attributes
StudioForm provides its own engine to control and automate the validation check of each slide. The attributes and behavior of the browser are modeled as if each slide were turned into a stand-alone form.
Validation Requirement Control Attribute
This attribute controls whether an element should be validated or not. If this attribute is not added, none of the following attributes are checked.

"sf": "required"
Pattern Attribute
This attribute follows the rules for regular expressions and HTML 5 patterns. When creating patterns, GPTs such as ChatGPT are a great help.

"pattern": "Some Regular Expression"
Min Length
This attribute checks the minimum character length of an input.

"minlength": "Some Number"
Max Length
This attribute checks the maximum character length of an input.

"maxlength": "Some Number"
Min Value
This attribute checks the minimum value of a number input field.

"min": "Some Number"
Max Value
This attribute checks the maximum value of a number input field.

"max": "Some Number"
Step Interval
This attribute defines the step interval of a numerical input field.

"step": "Some Number"
File upload Element Attributes
StudioForm provides its own engine to operate and automate the file upload functionality. This allows you to combine drag & drop functionality with the classic behavior of file upload fields within a form - right out of the box.
To trigger this engine, you need a file input with an ID and a label element whose "for" attribute is set to the ID of the file input.
Minimum File Count Specification
This attribute controls the minimum number of files that must be specified. This only has a relevant effect when used in combination with the native attribute "multiple".

"sf-min-files": "Some Number"
Max Files
This attribute controls the maximum number of files that must be specified. This only has a relevant effect when used in combination with the native attribute 'multiple'.

"sf-max-files": "Some Number"
Min File Size
This attribute controls the minimum size (in bytes) that files must have.

"sf-min-size": "Some Number"
Max File Size
This attribute controls the maximum size (in bytes) that files must have.

"sf-max-size": "Some Number"
Swap Label
This attribute is used to identify a text element within a specific label so that it can receive the file name if it is successfully attached.

"sf": "swap-label"
Swap Prefix
This attribute is used to add a prefix to that file name when it is successfully attached. Example: 'Uploaded:'

"sf-swap-prefix": "Some String"
Swap Suffix
This attribute is used to add a suffix to that file name when it is successfully attached. Example: ' (Files)'

"sf-swap-suffix": "Some String"
Progress Element Attributes
In contrast to the "Element" attributes, which can only function within the "Form Block" element, these attributes help to identify elements regardless of where they are placed in the HTML document. This class of elements is mainly used for displaying step progress.
The autonomy of these attributes requires that the attribute name consists of "sf-" and your form identifier, which you can define in your "Form block settings" under "Name".
Progress Bar Identification Attribute
This attribute is used to identify the content element of a progress bar. Combined with the "sf-progress-bar-axis" attribute, these attributes control the width and/or height of an element based on the percentage progress of the form.

"sf-FormName": "progress-bar"
Current Step Indicator
This attribute is used to attach the sf-current and sf-completed combo classes to elements that act as progress indicators. The {{ Form Step Name }} part can be either an actual form step name or an index number that acts as a step ID. You can find out more about this in Chapter 3, 'Classes'.

"sf-Form Name": "current-Form Step Name"
Current Slide Number
This attribute is used to render a number that indicates the current slide a user is on.

"sf-Form Name": "current-slide"
Minimum Slides
This attribute is used to render a number indicating the minimum number of slides a user must view to achieve a successful submission. This is part of the conditional logic feature. You can find out more about this special features in Chapter 4, 'Navigation'.

"sf-Form Name": "min-slides"
Maximum Slides
This attribute is used to render a number indicating the maximum number of slides a user must view to achieve a successful submission. This is part of the conditional logic feature. You can find out more about this special features in Chapter 4, 'Navigation'.

"sf-Form Name": "max-slides"
Min-Max Slides
This attribute is used to render a number indicating the minimum to maximum number of slides a user must view to achieve a successful submission. This is part of the conditional logic feature. You can find out more about this special features in Chapter 4, 'Navigation'.

"sf-Form Name": "min-max-slides"
Root Configuration Attributes
These configuration settings are valid for all StudioForm instances on your site. You will set these attributes to the "Body" element.
Class Cascading Control Attribute
This setting controls whether combination classes are applied only to a specific element or also to all of its child elements.

"sf-class-cascading": "true"
Combo Class Prefix
This setting controls which prefix a StudioForm combination class receives.

"sf-combo-class-prefix": "Some String"
Event Bubbles
StudioForm dispatches custom events that originate from the Form element. This setting controls whether or not this event should be displayed. For more information, see here.

"sf-event-bubbles": "true"
Event Prefix
This setting controls what prefix the various StudioForm events receive. For more information about events, see Chapter 6, 'Wized'.

"sf-event-prefix": "Some String"
External Event Suffix
In StudioForm, events can be triggered by a user or by the JavaScript API. This setting allows developers to distinguish who triggers an event. For more information about events, see Chapter 6, 'Wized'.

"sf-external-event-suffix": "Some String"
Recaptcha Key
This setting allows you to set your Google ReCAPTCHA v3 key to automatically generate Recaptcha tokens upon submission. For more information about ReCAPTCHA, see Chapter 5, 'Third Parties'.

"sf-recaptcha-key": "Some String"
Warning Messages
When you use the Google Chrome developer console for testing, StudioForm will provide warning messages if something unexpected happens. You can use this setting to turn these messages on or off.

"sf-warn": "true"
Instance Configuration Attributes
These configuration settings are valid for a specific StudioForm instance. They are usually defined in the "Form block" or "Form" element, but you can also define them in the individual form step to allow more precise control.
Animations Config Attributes
This subcategory of setting attributes controls the animation behavior of your StudioForms.
Transition Angle Configuration Attribute
This setting determines the angle at which the transitions are performed. You can choose any angle value between 0 and 360 degrees, as well setting the value to "off" in order to completely change the sliding direction and just have a nice fade in and out.

"sf-direction": "90"
Transition Angle Alignment Configuration Attribute
This setting determines the vertical alignment at which the transitions are performed. You can choose between top, center, or bottom to define where the form elements are positioned during transitions. This setting allows for better control over how the content is displayed during step changes, ensuring a visually appealing and consistent alignment throughout the animation.

"sf-direction-alignment": "center"
Next Animation Time
This setting specifies how long the second half of your slide transition animation should last.

"sf-next-time": "Some Number"
Next Opacity
This setting allows you to control whether your slide fades from 0% or more.

"sf-next-opacity": "0"
Total Animation Time
This setting determines how long the first and second half of your slide transition animation should last as long as neither the current-time nor next-time attributes override this setting.

"sf-time": "Some Number"
Z-Index Setting
During the animation time, the current and next slide are temporarily set to absolute. With this setting, the next slide is always above the current slide.

"sf-z-index": "Some Number"
Redirect Delay
If you specify a redirect value in the Form Block Settings, you can use this setting to control how long to wait after a successful submission before executing the redirect.

"sf-redirect-delay": "Some Number"
Easing Setting
This setting allows you to override the default easing setting of StudioForm's animation engine, GSAP.

"sf-ease": "Some String"
Dimensions Multiplier
Normally, in the StudioForm world, slides have different heights and widths, and so our animation engine waits until the current slide has completely disappeared before the next slide appears. However, if both slides are the same size, the interval between the current and next slide will be sped up by a factor of your choosing.

"sf-equal-dimensions-multiplier": "Some Number"
Offset Value
This value is used to calculate the scroll position, which takes into account the height of your sticky nav, for example. This value can be a number (in pixels) or a query selector that selects an element on your page to dynamically calculate its height.

"sf-offset": "Some Query Selector String or Some Number"
Progress Bar Axis
This setting allows you to specify in which direction your progress bar should be animated.

"sf-progress-bar-axis": "x"
Current Move Multiplier
By default, your slide will slide out of the way by 100% of its width and height during the transition. This setting allows you to dynamically multiply these width and height movements.

"sf-current-move-multiplier": "Some Number"
Current Animation Time
This setting specifies how long the first half of your slide transition animation should last.

"sf-current-time": "Some Number"
Current Opacity
This setting allows you to control whether your slide fades to 0% or more.

"sf-current-opacity": "0"
Next Move Multiplier
By default, your slide will slide into the way by 100% of its width and height during the transition. This setting allows you to dynamically multiply these width and height movements.

"sf-next-move-multiplier": "Some Number"
Fetch Config Attributes
In StudioForm, we call everything related to submissions “fetch”. The fetch settings allow you to control exactly where and how you want to make your submissions.
API Endpoint URL Setting
This setting allows you to specify the API endpoint URL to which you want to send your data.

"sf-action": "URL String"
Specify Method
This setting allows you to specify the sending method of your form data. Webflow provides you with GET and POST by default in the Form Block Settings. If you want to go beyond that, this attribute is for you.

"sf-method": "POST'"
File Types Accepted
This setting allows you to specify the types of files that the server accepts. It is typically used to restrict the file types that can be uploaded through the form, such as 'image/*', 'application/pdf', etc.

"sf-accept": "Some String"
Content Type
This setting allows you to specify the MIME type of the content being sent to the server. It defines the nature and format of the data in the request body, such as 'application/json', 'multipart/form-data', etc.

"sf-content-type": "Some String"
Redirect URL
This setting allows you to specify a URL to which the user will be redirected after a successful form submission. It provides a way to navigate users to a specific page or resource upon completion of the form submission.

"sf-redirect": "Some String"
Request Timeout
This setting allows you to specify the maximum time (in milliseconds) the request should take before being aborted. It is useful for setting a timeout to prevent hanging requests, ensuring that the form submission process does not take too long.

"sf-timeout": "Some Number"
Value Separator
This setting allows you to specify a string to use as a separator for concatenating multiple values. By default, a comma followed by a space (', ') is used, but you can adjust the setting to use a different string if required.

"sf-value-separator": "Some String"
Modes Config Attributes
StudioForm is very extensible and flexible by nature. A key tool we use to achieve this state is a set of switches (which we call modes) that control various base behaviors.
StudioForm comes preconfigured by default, but if you need to go beyond that preconfiguration, we make it as easy as possible for you.
Previous Step Navigation Control
This setting controls whether or not a user is allowed to go to a previous step. This can be triggered by clicking the backspace key or pressing a back key.

"sf-allow-prev": "true"
Auto Focus Buttons
Controls whether buttons are automatically focusses / suggested conditional logic situations. You can find out more about this special features in Chapter 4, 'Navigation'.

"sf-auto-focus-buttons": "true"
Scroll to Target
Determines whether the form is allowed to automatically scrolls to a target element when needed, bringing the relevant element into view.

"sf-scroll-to-target": "true"
Scroll to Top
Controls whether the form scrolls to the top when navigating between steps, scrolling to the top of the current step.

"sf-scroll-to-top": "true"
Force Scroll to Top
Forces the form to scroll to the top, even when the top of a step is visible.

"sf-force-scroll-to-top": "false"
Scroll to Validity
Controls whether the form scrolls to the first invalid field when a validation error occurs, highlighting the invalid field.

"sf-scroll-to-validity": "true"
Force Scroll to Validity
Forces the form to scroll to the first invalid field, even when the field is fully visible.

"sf-force-scroll-to-validity": "false"
Await Animations
Determines whether the form enforces waiting for animations to complete before proceeding.

"sf-await-animations": "false"
Auto Show Fail
Controls whether the form automatically displays an error message when submission fails.

"sf-auto-show-fail": "true"